
October 14 Meeting: Curriculum

It's almost unanimous to set the meeting on Sunday evening, October 14 -- so let's meet then at my house. Let's
say 6:00. There was a prayer meeting scheduled for that evening, but the prayer meeting has been moved to clear the
way for our meeting. [Thanks, Chandra, for noting that!]

Angie has offered to cover for me this Sunday -- thanks Angie! Thanks also for the others of you that responded,
much appreciated!

The primary topic for our meeting will be curriculum. We will also talk about how the Sunday School / Children's Church classes are going thus far, our ongoing search for a Children's Ministry Coordinator (or our Plan B, which we may already be in ...), getting a parent meeting scheduled, and ideas for kid's programing for the holidays. Let me know if
there is anything specific you want to discuss, and I will put together an agenda before the meeting to make sure we
touch on everything.

Thanks everyone!

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