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Notes on Gospel Reading of Luke 24:13-35: The aspect of good news in this story is that Jesus is beside us, ministering to us, even when we do not see or acknowledge him, which for us finite beings who "see through a glass darkly", is a message of hope. Remember Luke's entire two-part account (this Gospel and Acts), is to set forth "evidence" - that is personal testimony - about Jesus Christ's identity/purpose; this story within Luke's post-resurrection accounts, bears signs of such intent: names and places are preserved (Emmaus, Cleopas), as well as details about what transpired (their conversation with Jesus, including summary of content; their inability to perceive him at first; the miraculous recognition at dinner; their emotions; the report to the Eleven). But the aspect of good news, that Jesus walks alongside us, even when we do not know it, and that Jesus ultimately reveals himself, is the ultimate message and purpose of Luke's writing. We take this message to heart personally, but it also must be takend missionally; that is, as Jesus is sent, so he sends us; as Jesus walks alongside us, so we walk alongside others. As the Road to Emmaus was a real journey and process of discovery and revelation, so are spiritual journeys and processes today. What does this look like, in our context?
Ideas For Kids: Q: Have you ever been disappointed with someone you love, like a parent, teacher, etc., who made decisions you did not understand, but later you realized those decisions or actions were in your best interest? Q: Have you ever been helped by an unseen, or unidentified helper? Ever have a "secret Santa"? How about the unseen help of family, financial or otherwise, that we don't understand until later? Q: Have you ever heard a story you did not understand at first? How did Cleopas and the other person feel when Jesus began to explain the meaning of the books of Moses and the Prophets in a new way? Q: Have you ever walked alongside someone and helped them? Who in your life might Jesus want you to walk alongside? Q: What if God only showed himself to the smartest people, or the people who "discovered" God all by themselves? What if Jesus would not walk alongside people, or show himself to sad people, as he did to Mary near the tomb, or all the blind people who's eyes he opened?
Game idea: Blind/Kind Game: basically, help kids experience blindness/kindness; take turns having to "go on journey" blindfolded, helped by an unseen kind person. Kids can alternate roles of being blind and being kind; could talk about feelings experienced; project into life situations....
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